"lang" { "Language" "English" "Tokens" { "DoD_Communication_Title" "COMMUNICATION COMMANDS" "DoD_Menu_Title" "DAY OF DEFEAT COMMANDS" "DoD_Voice_Menu_1" "Voice menu 1" "DoD_Voice_Menu_2" "Voice menu 2" "DoD_Voice_Menu_3" "Voice menu 3" "DoD_Drop_Weapon" "Drop Primary Weapon" "DoD_Drop_Ammo" "Drop Extra Ammo" "DoD_Drop_Objective_Item" "Drop Objective Item" "DoD_Use_Pick_Up_Grenades" "Use item / Pick up Grenades" "DoD_Open_Map" "Open Map" "DoD_Map_Zoom" "Minimap Zoom" "DoD_Movement_Title" "MOVEMENT COMMANDS" "DoD_Prone" "Prone" "DoD_Sprint" "Sprint" "DoD_Combat_Title" "COMBAT COMMANDS" "DoD_AutoHelp" "Auto-help" "DoD_Dynamic_Xhair" "Use Dynamic Crosshair" "DoD_Easymode" "Teammates Identified with Overhead Icons" "DoD_ParticleFX" "Quality of Special Effects" "DoD_Particles_Low" "Low" "DoD_Particles_Medium" "Medium" "DoD_Particles_High" "High" "DoD_Fog" "Show Fog" "DoD_TK_Penalty" "Teamkill Limit" "Dod_IdentIconMode" "Teammate icon style" "Dod_identicon_none" "no icons" "Dod_identicon_target" "icons over target's head" "Dod_identicon_everyone" "icons over all teammates" "DoD_Fire_Marker" "Place a map marker under cursor" "DoD_Next_Marker" "Select next map marker" "DoD_Prev_Marker" "Select previous map marker" //SCOREBOARD "PlayerStatus" "Status" "PlayerClass" "Class" "PlayerScore" "ObjScore" "PlayerFrags" "Kills" "PlayerDeath" "Deaths" "PlayerPing" "Ping" "PlayerVoice" "Voice" "PlayerTracker" "Tracker" "class_allied_garand_n" "&1 Rifleman" "class_allied_carbine_n" "&2 Staff Sergeant" "class_allied_thompson_n" "&3 Master Sergeant" "class_allied_grease_n" "&4 Sergeant" "class_allied_sniper_n" "&5 Sniper" "class_allied_heavy_n" "&6 Support Infantry" "class_allied_mg_n" "&7 Machine Gunner" "class_allied_bazooka_n" "&8 Bazooka" "class_allied_mortar_n" "&9 Mortar" "class_allied_random_n" "Random" "class_axis_kar98_n" "&1 Grenadier" "class_axis_k43_n" "&2 Stosstruppe" "class_axis_mp40_n" "&3 Unteroffizier" "class_axis_mp44_n" "&4 Sturmtruppe" "class_axis_sniper_n" "&5 Scharfschütze" "class_axis_mg34_n" "&6 MG34-Schütze" "class_axis_mg42_n" "&7 MG42-Schütze" "class_axis_pschreck_n" "&8 Panzerjäger" "class_axis_mortar_n" "&9 Mörserschütze" "class_axis_random_n" "Random" "class_brit_light_n" "&1 Rifleman" "class_brit_medium_n" "&2 Sergeant Major" "class_brit_sniper_n" "&3 Marksman" "class_brit_heavy_n" "&4 Gunner" "class_brit_piat_n" "&5 PIAT" "class_brit_mortar_n" "&6 Mortar" "class_brit_random_n" "&7 Random" "class_axispara_kar98_n" "&1 Grenadier" "class_axispara_k43_n" "&2 Stosstruppe" "class_axispara_mp40_n" "&3 Unteroffizier" "class_axispara_mp44_n" "&4 Sturmtruppe" "class_axispara_scopedkar_n" "&5 Scharfschütze" "class_axispara_fg42bipod_n" "&6 Fg42-Zweibein" "class_axispara_fg42scope_n" "&7 Fg42-Zielfernrohr" "class_axispara_mg34_n" "&8 MG34-Schütze" "class_axispara_mg42_n" "&9 MG42-Schütze" "class_axispara_pschreck_n" "Panzerjäger" "class_axispara_mortar_n" "Mörserschütze" "class_axispara_random_n" "Random" "class_allied_garand" "Rifleman" "class_allied_carbine" "Staff Sergeant" "class_allied_thompson" "Master Sergeant" "class_allied_grease" "Sergeant" "class_allied_sniper" "Sniper" "class_allied_heavy" "Support Infantry" "class_allied_mg" "Machine Gunner" "class_allied_bazooka" "Bazooka" "class_allied_mortar" "Mortar" "class_axis_kar98" "Grenadier" "class_axis_k43" "Stosstruppe" "class_axis_mp40" "Unteroffizier" "class_axis_mp44" "Sturmtruppe" "class_axis_sniper" "Scharfschütze" "class_axis_mg34" "MG34-Schütze" "class_axis_mg42" "MG42-Schütze" "class_axis_pschreck" "Panzerjäger" "class_axis_mortar" "Mörserschütze" "class_brit_light" "Rifleman" "class_brit_medium" "Sergeant Major" "class_brit_sniper" "Marksman" "class_brit_heavy" "Gunner" "class_brit_piat" "PIAT" "class_brit_mortar" "Mortar" "class_alliedpara_garand" "Rifleman" "class_alliedpara_carbine" "Staff Sergeant" "class_alliedpara_thompson" "Master Sergeant" "class_alliedpara_grease" "Sergeant" "class_alliedpara_spring" "Sniper" "class_alliedpara_bar" "Support Infantry" "class_alliedpara_30cal" "Machine Gunner" "class_alliedpara_bazooka" "Bazooka" "class_alliedpara_mortar" "Mortar" "class_alliedpara_random" "Random" "class_axispara_kar98" "Grenadier" "class_axispara_k43" "Stosstruppe" "class_axispara_scopedkar" "Scharfschütze" "class_axispara_mp40" "Unteroffizier" "class_axispara_mp44" "Sturmtruppe" "class_axispara_fg42bipod" "Fg42-Zweibein" "class_axispara_fg42scope" "Fg42-Zielfernrohr" "class_axispara_mg34" "MG34-Schütze" "class_axispara_mg42" "MG42-Schütze" "class_axispara_pschreck" "Panzerjäger" "class_axispara_mortar" "Mörserschütze" "class_random" "Random" "class_random_para" "Random" "scoreboard_Player" "%s1 - %s2 player" "scoreboard_Players" "%s1 - %s2 players" "scoreboard_status_dead" "DEAD" "scoreboard_status_hasobject" "Object" "Dod_reinforcements_in" "Reinforcements in: %s1" "Dod_Team_Allies" "&1 Allies" "Dod_Team_Axis" "&2 Axis" "Dod_Team_Brits" "&1 British" "Cstrike_Cancel" "&0 Cancel" "Cstrike_Team_AutoAssign" "&4 Auto-Assign" "Cstrike_Menu_Spectate" "&3 Spectate" "Cstrike_OK" "Ok" "Dod_Currently_on_your_team" "There are currently %s1 players of this class on your team" "Dod_Currently_on_your_team_one" "There is currently 1 player of this class on your team" "Dod_class_full" "Server has reached the maximum number of this class ( Limit %s1 )" "Dod_Join_Team" "SELECT A TEAM" "Dod_Map_Label" "SCENARIO:" "Dod_Select_weapons" "SELECT YOUR WEAPONS" "Dod_Primary_wpn" "PRIMARY WEAPON:" "Dod_other_wpns" "OTHER WEAPONS:" "Dod_Spec_Allies_Score" "Allies:" "Dod_Spec_Axis_Score" "Axis:" "2e_func_butt" "SECONDARY FUNCTION: BUTT-STOCK HIT" "2e_func_bayonet" "SECONDARY FUNCTION: BAYONET" "2e_func_zoom" "SECONDARY FUNCTION: SCOPE ZOOM" "2e_func_bipod" "SECONDARY FUNCTION: DEPLOY BIPOD" "2e_func_none" "SECONDARY FUNCTION: NONE" "2e_func_raise" "SECONDARY FUNCTION: RAISE TO SHOULDER" "2e_func_deploy_mortar" "SECONDARY FUNCTION: DEPLOY ON GROUND" "wpn_stat_dmg" "DAMAGE" "wpn_stat_accuracy" "ACCURACY" "wpn_stat_control" "CONTROL" "wpn_stat_rof" "RATE OF FIRE" "wpn_stat_ammo" "AMMO CAPACITY" "Teamname_Allies" "Allies" "Teamname_Axis" "Axis" "Teamname_Brit" "British" "Teamname_Spectators" "Spectators" "Teamname_Allies_Para" "Allied Paratroopers" "Teamname_Axis_Para" "Axis Paratroopers" "cls_garand" "Rifleman" "cls_carbine" "Master Sergeant" "cls_tommy" "Sergeant" "cls_grease" "Staff Sergeant" "cls_spring" "Sniper" "cls_bar" "Support Infantry" "cls_30cal" "Machine Gunner" "cls_enfield" "Rifleman" "cls_sten" "Sergeant Major" "cls_enfields" "Marksman" "cls_bren" "Gunner" "cls_k98" "Grenadier" "cls_k43" "Stosstruppe" "cls_mp40" "Unteroffizier" "cls_mp44" "Sturmtruppe" "cls_k98s" "Scharfschütze" "cls_mg34" "MG34-Schütze" "cls_mg42" "MG42-Schütze" "cls_fg42" "Fg42-Zweibein" "cls_fg42s" "Fg42-Zielfernrohr" "wpnry_garand" "Rifleman Weaponry" "wpnry_carbine" "Master Sergeant Weaponry" "wpnry_tommy" "Sergeant Weaponry" "wpnry_grease" "Staff Sergeant Weaponry" "wpnry_spring" "Sniper Weaponry" "wpnry_bar" "Support Infantry Weaponry" "wpnry_30cal" "Machine Gunner Weaponry" "wpnry_enfield" "Rifleman Weaponry" "wpnry_sten" "Sergeant Major Weaponry" "wpnry_enfields" "Marksman Weaponry" "wpnry_bren" "Gunner Weaponry" "wpnry_k98" "Grenadier Weaponry" "wpnry_k43" "Stosstruppe Weaponry" "wpnry_mp40" "Unteroffizier Weaponry" "wpnry_mp44" "Sturmtruppe Weaponry" "wpnry_k98s" "Scharfschütze Weaponry" "wpnry_mg34" "MG34-Schützw Weaponry" "wpnry_mg42" "MG42-Schütze Weaponry" "wpnry_fg42" "Fg42-Zweibein Weaponry" "wpnry_fg42s" "Fg42-Zielfernrohr Weaponry" //New for 1.2 //==== "cls_bazooka" "Bazooka" "cls_piat" "PIAT" "cls_pschreck" "Panzerjäger" "cls_mortar" "Mortar" "cls_britmortar" "Mortar" "cls_germortar" "Mörserschütze" "wpn_bazooka" "Bazooka" "wpn_piat" "PIAT" "wpn_pschreck" "Panzerschreck" "wpn_mortar" "Mortar" "wpn_britmortar" "Mortar" "wpn_germortar" "Granatenwerfer" "wpnry_mortar" "Mortar Infantry Weaponry" "wpnry_bazooka" "Bazooka Infantry Weaponry" "wpnry_piat" "PIAT Infantry Weaponry" "wpnry_pschreck" "Panzerjäger Weaponry" "wpnry_germortar" "Mörserschütze Weaponry" "wpnry_britmortar" "Mortar Infantry Weaponry" "cls_info_bazooka" "Developed later in the war, rocket weapons were the perfect instrument to destroy tanks and vehicles. They could also be used in certain situations to blow holes into walls, providing either an improvised escape or attack route." "cls_info_piat" "Developed later in the war, rocket weapons were the perfect instrument to destroy tanks and vehicles. They could also be used in certain situations to blow holes into walls, providing either an improvised escape or attack route." "cls_info_pschreck" "Developed later in the war, rocket weapons were the perfect instrument to destroy tanks and vehicles. They could also be used in certain situations to blow holes into walls, providing either an improvised escape or attack route." "cls_info_mortar" "The infantryman's personal artillery, the mortar, gives soldiers in the field an extremely mobile, lethal, heavy-strike capability. This weapon is best utilized against hidden or bunkered enemy positions that normal infantry have trouble taking out. Snipers and machine gunners fear this weapon noted for its shrieking incoming whistle." "cls_info_britmortar" "The infantryman's personal artillery, the mortar, gives soldiers in the field an extremely mobile, lethal, heavy-strike capability. This weapon is best utilized against hidden or bunkered enemy positions that normal infantry have trouble taking out. Snipers and machine gunners fear this weapon noted for its shrieking incoming whistle." "cls_info_germortar" "The infantryman's personal artillery, the mortar, gives soldiers in the field an extremely mobile, lethal, heavy-strike capability. This weapon is best utilized against hidden or bunkered enemy positions that normal infantry have trouble taking out. Snipers and machine gunners fear this weapon noted for its shrieking incoming whistle." "other_wpns_bazooka" "Colt 1911 Pistol, Field Combat Knife" "other_wpns_piat" "Webley Revolver, Fairbairn Sykes Combat Knife" "other_wpns_pschreck" "Luger '08 Pistol, Field Spade" "other_wpns_mortar" "Colt 1911 Pistol, Field Combat Knife" "other_wpns_britmortar" "Webley Revolver, Fairbairn Sykes Combat Knife" "other_wpns_germortar" "Luger '08 Pistol, Field Spade" //==== "wpn_garand" "M1 Garand" "wpn_carbine" "M1 Carbine" "wpn_tommy" "Thompson" "wpn_grease" "Greasegun" "wpn_spring" "Springfield" "wpn_bar" "BAR" "wpn_30cal" ".30 Cal" "wpn_enfield" "Enfield" "wpn_sten" "Sten" "wpn_enfields" "Scoped Enfield" "wpn_bren" "Bren" "wpn_k98" "K98" "wpn_k43" "K43" "wpn_mp40" "MP40" "wpn_mp44" "STG44" "wpn_k98s" "K98 Sniper" "wpn_mg34" "MG34" "wpn_mg42" "MG42" "wpn_fg42" "Fg42" "wpn_fg42s" "Fg42 Sniper" "cls_info_garand" "Known as the 'rifle that won the war', the Garand provides this class with semi-automatic one shot kill capability. After learning to control the Garand's recoil, this weapon and class can turn the tide of a battle." "cls_info_carbine" "With the lighter recoil of the M1 Carbine, this class can hit targets quickly and accurately. This class is ideal for short range inner city fighting." "cls_info_tommy" "With the lighter recoil of the Thompson, this class can hit targets quickly and accurately. This class is ideal for short range inner city fighting." "cls_info_grease" "With the lighter recoil and slower rate of fire of the Greasegun, this class can hit targets accurately with sustained fire. This class is ideal for short range inner city fighting." "cls_info_spring" "This class hides in the shadows. With his Springfield '03, this class is the lone wolf of the squad, venturing out on his own to rain unseen terror on opposing squads." "cls_info_bar" "This class is meant to lay down cover fire for his fellow assaulting infantry. With the BAR's large round, this class can knock down 3 or 4 enemy soldiers at a time with one clip." "cls_info_30cal" "Ultimate covering fire is the ability of this class. A single man in good position can stop an enemy attack in its tracks. With it's massive recoil, this weapon is best used with bipod deployed." "cls_info_enfield" "With the smoothest action in the world, this rifle was one of the most accurate of the war. When compared to other bolt action rifles of the time, it's 10 round magazine gave it a distinct advantage in ammunition capacity." "cls_info_sten" "The venerable Sten Gun was developed to replace the costly to manufacture American Tommy Gun used by the British Army earier in the war. Made almost entirely of sheet metal stampings, it is a lightweight, reliable submachine gun. An excellent close in weapon, it was the choice for many commandos throughout the war." "cls_info_enfields" "The Enfield was one of the finest sniper rifles of the war. Fitted with a 4x power sniper scope, the No4(T) proved to be such a fine weapon that after the war it continued serving for many years as the British Army's sniper rifle." "cls_info_bren" "Known for it's outstanding reliability and power, the Bren machine gun was the mainstay for the Commonwealth forces in WWII. Used both as a light and heavy machine gun, the Bren gun is extremely adaptable to the situation and can be used in both defensive and offensive roles." "cls_info_k98" "The backbone of the Wehrmacht, the Kar 98 is characterized by it's pinpoint accuracy. This class rules the battlefield during long range encounters. The added bayonet provides close in protection during house to house fighting." "cls_info_k43" "Germany's reply to the US M1 Garand and Soviet SVT40 rifles, the K43 provides semi-automatic one shot kill capability. After learning to control the K43's recoil, this weapon can turn the tide of a battle." "cls_info_mp40" "With his low recoil Mp40, a soldier can manuever in and out of back alleys and through bombed out buildings while still hitting his target." "cls_info_mp44" "The first true assault rifle in history, this weapon can perform varying roles with effectiveness. The Stg44's medium sized round provides knock down power while keeping recoil to a minimum. The Stg44 is best used firing in short 2 to 3 shot bursts." "cls_info_k98s" "This is the class that lies in the shadows. With pinpoint accuracy and one shot one kill abilities, this class wreaks havoc on enemy soldiers and can single handedly stifle the advance of a whole squad of enemy soldiers." "cls_info_mg34" "The MG34 was one of the best machine guns fielded during WWII. The MG34 with drum can provide a steady stream of covering fire without the danger of barrel overheat. " "cls_info_mg42" "The MG42 is one of the best machine guns ever fielded by any army in the history of warfare. The MG42, with its 1200 rounds per minute rate of fire, lays down a wall of lead that is impenetrable. Use extreme caution though, as the high rate of fire can lead to the barrel overheating." "cls_info_fg42" "The Fg42 represented a huge stride in the advance of infantry small arms. Using the full 8mm cartridge, this specialized weapon was reserved for Germany's elite Fallschirmjäger. This Fg42 can be used with the bipod for sustained cover fire. The Fg42 was a very short compact weapon. This compactness produced two effects, horrid recoil in automatic fire and the loudest muzzle blast of any weapon of the war. Enemy soldiers immediately hit the dirt when they heard the titanic blast of this weapon. The Fg42 is best used firing in short 2 to 3 shot bursts." "cls_info_fg42s" "The Fg42 represented a huge stride in the advance of infantry small arms. Using the full 8mm cartridge and having the capability to fire automatic or semi-automatic, this specialized weapon was reserved for Germany's elite Fallschirmjäger. This Fg42 can be used with the Zf4 sniper scope for increased sniping capability. The Fg42 was a very short compact weapon. This compactness produced two effects, horrid recoil in automatic fire and the loudest muzzle blast of any weapon of the war. Enemy soldiers immediately hit the dirt when they heard the titanic blast of this weapon. The Fg42 is best used firing in short 2 to 3 shot bursts." // <========================================================> //end of the space this line can fit in!!! "other_wpns_garand" "Colt 1911 Pistol, Field Combat Knife, 2 Fragmentation Grenades" "other_wpns_carbine" "Colt 1911 Pistol, Field Combat Knife, 2 Fragmentation Grenades" "other_wpns_tommy" "Colt 1911 Pistol, Field Combat Knife, 1 Fragmentation Grenade" "other_wpns_grease" "Colt 1911 Pistol, Field Combat Knife, 1 Fragmentation Grenade" "other_wpns_spring" "Colt 1911 Pistol, Field Combat Knife" "other_wpns_bar" "Colt 1911 Pistol, Field Combat Knife, 1 Fragmentation Grenade" "other_wpns_30cal" "Colt 1911 Pistol, Field Combat Knife" "other_wpns_enfield" "Webley Revolver, Fairbairn Sykes Combat Knife, 2 Fragmentation Grenades" "other_wpns_sten" "Webley Revolver, Fairbairn Sykes Combat Knife, 1 Fragmentation Grenade" "other_wpns_enfields" "Webley Revolver, Fairbairn Sykes Combat Knife" "other_wpns_bren" "Webley Revolver, Fairbairn Sykes Combat Knife, 1 Fragmentation Grenade" "other_wpns_k98" "Luger '08 Pistol, Field Spade, 2 Stick Grenades" "other_wpns_k43" "Luger '08 Pistol, Field Spade, 2 Stick Grenades" "other_wpns_mp40" "Luger '08 Pistol, Field Spade, 1 Stick Grenade" "other_wpns_mp44" "Luger '08 Pistol, Field Spade, 1 Stick Grenade" "other_wpns_k98s" "Luger '08 Pistol, Field Spade" "other_wpns_mg34" "Luger '08 Pistol, Field Spade" "other_wpns_mg42" "Luger '08 Pistol, Field Spade" "other_wpns_fg42" "Luger '08 Pistol, Field Spade, 1 Stick Grenade" "other_wpns_fg42s" "Luger '08 Pistol, Field Spade, 1 Stick Grenade" "dod_kicked_reason_tk" "You have been kicked from the game for killing your teammates" "Dod_no_players_on_this_team" "There are no players on this team" "Dod_players_on_team" "%s1: %s2 ( Score: %s3 )\n%s4" "Dod_players_on_team_spec" "%s1: %s2\n%s3" "Dod_Player" "1 Player" "Dod_Players" "%s1 Players" "Dod_AutoReload" "Automatically Reload Weapons" "Clan_allies_ready" "Allied team is ready" "Clan_axis_ready" "Axis team is ready" "Clan_awaiting_ready" "Round will restart after \nboth teams give the ready signal\n" "clan_warmup_rules" "Entering clan match warm-up mode.\nNo points can be scored.\n" "clan_ready_rules" "Match will restart when both\nteams give the ready signal: '%s1'%s2 %s3 %s4\n" "Clan_warmup_mode" "Warmup Mode" "Clan_match_live" "MATCH IS LIVE!" "Clan_time_remaining" "Clan Match Begins in : %s1 mins %s2 secs" "Dod_current_marker" "Current Map Marker" "Dod_mg_reload" "Deploy your machine gun to Reload!" "OBS_NONE" "Camera Options" "OBS_CHASE_LOCKED" "Locked Chase Cam" "OBS_CHASE_FREE" "Free Chase Cam" "OBS_ROAMING" "Free Look" "OBS_IN_EYE" "First Person" "OBS_MAP_FREE" "Free Overview" "OBS_MAP_CHASE" "Chase Overview" "Spec_Mode1" "Locked Chase Cam" "Spec_Mode2" "Free Chase Cam" "Spec_Mode3" "Free Look" "Spec_Mode4" "First Person" "Spec_Mode5" "Free Overview" "Spec_Mode6" "Chase Overview" "Spec_NoTarget" "No valid targets. Cannot switch to Chase-Camera Mode." "game_uneven_teams" "Uneven teams. Please join the team with fewer players." "game_switch_teams_once" "Only allowed to switch teams once between respawns." "menu_AmerVoice1" "1. Squad move out! 2. Hold this position! 3. Fall back! 4. Squad flank left! 5. Squad flank right! 6. Squad, stick together! 7. Squad, covering fire! 8. Use your grenades! 9. Cease fire! 0. Cancel " "Menu_AmerVoice2" "1. Yes Sir! 2. Negative! 3. I need backup! 4. Fire in the hole! 5. Grenade! 6. Sniper! 7. Taking fire - left flank! 8. Taking fire - right flank! 9. Area clear ! 0. Cancel " "Menu_AmerVoice3" "1. Go go go! 2. Displace! 3. Enemy ahead! 4. Enemy behind us! 5. Mg42 position ahead! 6. Move up the .30 cal! 7. I need Ammo! 8. Use the bazooka! 9. Panzerschreck! 0. Cancel" "Menu_BritVoice1" "1. Squad move out! 2. Hold this position! 3. Fall back! 4. Squad flank left! 5. Squad flank right! 6. Squad, stick together! 7. Squad, covering fire! 8. Use your grenades! 9. Cease fire! 0. Cancel " "Menu_BritVoice2" "1. Yes sir! 2. Negative! 3. I need backup! 4. Fire in the hole! 5. Grenade! 6. Sniper! 7. Taking fire - left flank! 8. Taking fire - right flank! 9. Area clear! 0. Cancel " "Menu_BritVoice3" "1. Go go go! 2. Displace! 3. Enemy ahead! 4. Enemy behind us! 5. Mg position ahead! 6. Bring up that Bren! 7. I need Ammo! 8. Use the piat! 9. Panzerschreck! 0. Cancel " "Menu_GerVoice1" "1. Squad move out! 2. Hold this position! 3. Fall back! 4. Squad flank left! 5. Squad flank right! 6. Squad, stick together! 7. Squad, covering fire! 8. Use your grenades! 9. Cease fire! 0. Cancel " "Menu_GerVoice2" "1. Yes sir! 2. Negative! 3. I need backup! 4. Fire in the hole! 5. Grenade! 6. Sniper! 7. Taking fire - left flank! 8. Taking fire - right flank! 9. Area clear! 0. Cancel " "Menu_GerVoice3" "1. Go go go! 2. Displace! 3. Enemy ahead! 4. Enemy behind us! 5. Machinegun position ahead! 6. Move up the mg! 7. I need Ammo! 8. Use the panzerschreck! 9. Bazooka! / Piat! 0. Cancel " "Voice_subtitle_attack" "Squad, move out!" "Voice_subtitle_hold" "Hold this position!" "Voice_subtitle_fallback" "Fall Back!" "Voice_subtitle_left" "Squad, flank left!" "Voice_subtitle_right" "Squad, flank right!" "Voice_subtitle_sticktogether" "Squad, stick together!" "Voice_subtitle_cover" "Squad, covering fire!" "Voice_subtitle_usegrens" "Use your grenades!" "Voice_subtitle_ceasefire" "Cease fire cease fire!" "Voice_subtitle_yessir" "Yes Sir!" "Voice_subtitle_negative" "Negative!" "Voice_subtitle_backup" "I need backup!" "Voice_subtitle_fireinhole" "Fire in the hole!" "Voice_subtitle_grenade" "Grenade!" "Voice_subtitle_sniper" "Sniper!" "Voice_subtitle_fireleft" "Taking fire, left flank!" "Voice_subtitle_fireright" "Taking fire, right flank!" "Voice_subtitle_areaclear" "Area clear!" "Voice_subtitle_gogogo" "Go go go!" "Voice_subtitle_displace" "Displace!" "Voice_subtitle_enemyahead" "Enemy ahead!" "Voice_subtitle_enemybehind" "Enemy behind us!" "Voice_subtitle_mgahead" "Machine gun ahead!" "Voice_subtitle_moveupmg_30cal" "Move up the .30 cal!" "Voice_subtitle_needammo" "I need Ammo!" "Voice_subtitle_usebazooka" "Use the Bazooka!" "Voice_subtitle_usepiat" "Use the Piat!" "Voice_subtitle_usepschreck" "Use the Panzerschreck!" "Voice_subtitle_bazookaspotted" "Bazooka!" "Voice_subtitle_piatspotted" "Piat!" "Voice_subtitle_pschreckspotted" "Panzerschreck!" "Voice_subtitle_moveout" "Move out!" "Voice_subtitle_moveupmg_mg" "Move up the machinegun!" "Voice_subtitle_moveupmg_bren" "Move up the Bren!" "Hint_spotted_a_friend" "You have spotted a friendly soldier!" "Hint_spotted_an_enemy" "You have spotted an enemy soldier! Hunt him down." "Hint_try_not_to_injure_teammates" "Careful! You can hurt your teammates!" "Hint_careful_around_teammates" "Oh no! You killed a teammate!" "Hint_killing_enemies_is_good" "You have killed an enemy! Keep up the good work!" "Hint_touched_area_capture" "This is a capture area, stay here to capture this objective. You will notice an area icon whenever you are touching a cap area." "Hint_touched_control_point" "You captured a control point! Good job!" "Hint_picked_up_object" "You've picked up an objective item!" "Hint_mgs_fire_better_deployed" "Your gun would be much more accurate if you deployed it! Go prone or find a sandbag to deploy!" "Hint_sandbag_area_touch" "This is a sandbag area, you can deploy your machine gun here!" "Hint_rocket_weapon_pickup" "You've picked up a rocket weapon! Use it to blow holes in some walls and complete objectives." "Hint_out_of_ammo" "Your weapon is out of ammo!" "Hint_prone" "Going prone will give you less recoil when you shoot, and makes you harder to see!" "Hint_low_stamina" "You have low stamina, try resting for a while to recover." "Hint_area_requires_object" "You've touched an area that requires an objective item." "Hint_player_killed_wavetime" "You have been killed, you have to wait for the next wave of reinforcements!" "Hint_player_killed_onelife" "You have been killed, you have to wait for the round to finish before you can spawn!" "Hint_mg_overheat" "Your machinegun has overheated, let it cool down before firing again." "game_no_spawns" "No free spawnpoints. Will re-check every 1 sec." "game_bogus_round" "This round will not count, not enough players" "game_not_enough" "Not enough players available. Next check in 20 seconds" "game_joined_game" "%s1 has joined the game" "game_disconnected" "%s1 has left the game" "game_joined_team" "*%s1 joined %s2" "game_kick_tk" "%s1 has team killed too many times. Now being kicked!" "game_has_object" "%s1 has %s2!" "game_lost_object" "%s1 lost %s2!" "game_capture_object" "%s1 captured %s2!" "game_left_object" "(1 object to go!)" "game_left_plural_object" "(%s1 objects to go!)" "game_score_allie_point" "Allies score 1 point" "game_score_allie_points" "Allies score %s1 points" "game_score_axis_point" "Axis score 1 point" "game_score_axis_points" "Axis score %s1 points" "game_capture_broken_allie" "Allies capture broken" "game_capture_broken_axis" "Axis capture broken" "game_time_left1" "Time left: %s1:%s2" "game_time_left2" "No time limit set on server" "game_chat_on" "Chat turned ON" "game_chat_off" "Chat turned OFF" "game_deathmsg_on" "Death messages turned ON" "game_deathmsg_off" "Death messages turned OFF" "game_dont_cheat" "Please dont cheat!" "game_unknown_command" "Unknown command: %s1" "game_cant_change_name" "Not allowed to change name when dead or spectating!" "game_nextmap" "Next map : %s1" "game_spawn_as" "*You will spawn as %s1" "game_respawn_as" "*You will respawn as %s1" "game_spawn_asrandom" "*You will spawn as random class" "game_respawn_asrandom" "*You will respawn as a random class" "game_now_as" "*Your player class is now: %s1" "game_will_spawn" "*You will respawn when you have selected a class" "game_list_players1" " ID NAME ------------------------" "game_list_players2" " %s1 %s2" "game_roundstart_allie1" "Platoon, move out and stay low!" "game_roundstart_allie2" "Squad, charge your weapons we're moving up!" "game_roundstart_brit1" "Platoon, move out and stay low!" "game_roundstart_brit2" "Squad, charge your weapons we're moving up!" "game_roundstart_axis1" "Disembark and prepare for the attack!" "game_roundstart_axis2" "Go! Go! Prepare for the assault!" "game_class_limit" "*Server has reached the limit of number of %s1" "game_changed_name" "* %s1 changed name to %s2" "game_shoulder_pschreck" "You must shoulder your Panzerschreck to fire!" "game_shoulder_piat" "You must shoulder your Piat to fire!" "game_shoulder_bazooka" "You must shoulder your Bazooka to fire!" "game_cannot_drop" "You cannot drop this weapon." "game_cannot_drop_while" "You cannot drop this weapon while it is deployed." "MAP_PLAYER_CAP" "%s3 captured %s2 for %s1" "MAP_GROUP_CAP" "The %s1 have %s2" "Teamname_Allies" "Allies" "Teamname_Brit" "British" "Teamname_Axis" "Axis" "Teamname_Spectators" "Spectators" "THE_ALLIES" "the Allies" "THE_AXIS" "the Axis" "MAP_USE_BAZOOKA_HINT" "You will need to use a bazooka to destroy this!" "MAP_USE_PSCHREK_HINT" "You will need to use a Panzerschrek to destroy this!" "MAP_USE_PIAT_HINT" "You will need to use a PIAT to destroy this!" "MAP_ALLIED_VICTORY1" "The Allied forces have overrun the Axis!" "MAP_ALLIED_VICTORY2" "The Allied forces are victorious!" "MAP_AXIS_VICTORY1" "The Axis forces have overrun the Allies!" "MAP_AXIS_VICTORY2" "The Axis forces are victorious!" "HandSignal" "Hand Signal" "Voice" "Voice" //These are strings that I haven't yet looked at, dont know if they're necessary //================================ "Unassigned" "Unassigned" "Spectators" "Spectators" "Menu_Spectate" "SPECTATE" "Spec_Only_Help" "DUCK to Change Inset Mode FIRE for Next Target ALT-FIRE for Prev Target JUMP to Change Modes" "Spec_Help" "ENTER to Play FIRE for Next Target ALT-FIRE for Prev Target JUMP to Change Modes" "Spec_Help_Title" "Spectator Mode" "Spec_Help_Text" "Use the following keys to change view styles: FIRE1 - Chase next player FIRE2 - Chase previous player JUMP - Change view modes USE - Change inset window mode DUCK - Enable spectator menu RIGHT-CLICK name on SCOREBOARD to spectate In Overview Map Mode move around with: MOVELEFT - move left MOVERIGHT - move right FORWARD - zoom in BACK - zoom out MOUSE - rotate around map/target " "Spec_Slow_Motion" "Slow Motion" "Spec_Replay" "Instant Replay" "Spec_Auto" "Auto" "Spec_Time" "Time" "Spec_Map" "Map" "Spec_Duck" "Press DUCK for Spectator Menu" "Spectators" "Spectators" "Unassigned" "Unassigned" "SPECT_OPTIONS" "Options" "CAM_OPTIONS" "Camera Options" "Menu_Spectate" "SPECTATE" "Directed" "Auto" "Muted" "Player Muted -" "Unmuted" "Player Unmuted" "Health" "Health" //ALL BELOW HERE ARE MAP SPECIFIC! //================================ //ANZIO "ANZIO_AXIS_MSG" "Attention! Too close to axis respawn zone!" "ANZIO_ALLIES_MSG" "Attention! Too close to allies respawn zone!" "POINT_ANZIO_PLAZA" "the plaza" "POINT_ANZIO_STREET" "the street" "POINT_ANZIO_HILL" "the hill" "POINT_BRIDGE" "the bridge" "POINT_ANZIO_LAUNDRY" "the laundry" "POINT_AXISSTREET" "the Axis street" "POINT_ALLIEDSTREET" "the Allied street" //AVALANCE "POINT_AVALANCHE_MARKET" "the market" "POINT_AVALANCHE_AXISGUNPOSITION" "the Axis gun position" "POINT_AVALANCHE_ALLIEDGUNPOSITION" "the Allied gun position" "POINT_AXISBUNKER" "the Axis bunker" "POINT_CAEN_AXISPLAZA" "the Axis plaza" "POINT_CAEN_ALLIEDPLAZA" "the Allied plaza" "POINT_ALLIEDBUNKER" "the Allied bunker" //CAEN "bank_entrance" "bank entrance" "bank_upstairs" "bank upstairs" "bank_vault" "bank vault" "hotel_entrance" "hotel entrance" "hotel_upstairs" "hotel upstairs" "wire_alley" "wire alley" "fire_alley" "fire alley" "the_horse" "the horse" "axis_passage_to_plaza" "axis passage to plaza" "allied_street_to_plaza" "allied street to plaza" "allied_sniper_tower" "allied sniper tower" "alley_off_allied_spawn" "alley off allied spawn" "allied_spawn" "allied spawn" "axis_spawn" "axis spawn" "demolition_points_on_axis_side" "demolition points on axis side" "demolition_points_on_allied_side" "demolition points on allied side" "trees" "trees" "fire_alley_exit,_allied_side" "fire alley exit, allied side" "wire_alley_exit,_axis_side" "wire alley exit, axis side" "alley_off_axis_spawn" "alley off axis spawn" "Barre_de_Waldo" "Barre de Waldo" //CHARLIE "CHARLIE_ALLIEDBRIEFING" "Move up the beach under a storm of lead to destroy the barbed-wire barrier. Then up on the bluff, use your satchel charges to destroy the two 88 gun emplacements. Also use satchels to also destroy a radio transmitter and a large coastal gun." "CHARLIE_AXISBRIEFING" "Defend the Atlantic Wall against the Allied invaders and do not allow the Allies to move further inland! Use the three mortar positions to shell the beach. Successfully hold the invasion back and victory is yours!" "POINT_CHARLIE_881" "the 88 #1" "POINT_CHARLIE_882" "the 88 #2" "POINT_CHARLIE_BIGGUN" "the big gun" "POINT_CHARLIE_RADIOTENT" "the radio tent" "CHARLIE_BEACH_WARNING" "Where do you think you're going, SOLDIER?" "CHARLIE_881_DESTROY" "88 #1 destroyed!" "CHARLIE_882_DESTROY" "88 #2 destroyed!" "CHARLIE_RADIO_DESTROY" "Axis radio destroyed!" "CHARLIE_COASTAL_DESTROY" "Coastal defence destroyed!" "CHARLIE_MORT_LEFT_DESTROY" "Left Mortar Destroyed!" "CHARLIE_MORT_MID_DESTROY" "Middle Mortar Destroyed!" "CHARLIE_MORT_RIGHT_DESTROY" "Right Mortar Destroyed!" "CHARLIE_MIDBREACH" "Allies have breached the mid seawall!" "CHARLIE_MIDNEST_HINT" "Grab a satchel to blow through this bunker!" "CHARLIE_SATCHEL_HINT" "Use satchels to break through the shingle and destroy your objectives!" "CHARLIE_SHINGLE_BREACH" "The Allies are breaking through the shingle!" "CHARLIE_INTRUDER_WARN" "This passage leads to the Axis barracks..." "CHARLIE_WESTERN_BREACH" "The Allies have breached our western defences!" "CHARLIE_ALLIED_88_HINT" "You are near an Axis 88 emplacement! Destroy it with a satchel charge!" "CHARLIE_ALLIED_RADIO_HINT" "You are near the Axis Radio Tent! Destroy it with a satchel charge!" "CHARLIE_ALLIED_CP4_HINT" "You are near the Axis Coastal Defense Gun! Destroy it with a satchel charge!" //CHEMILLE "POINT_CHEMILLE_DESTROYEDHOUSE" "the destroyed house" "POINT_CHEMILLE_UNDERPASS" "the underpass" "POINT_CHURCH" "the church" "POINT_CHEMILLE_DESTROYEDFACTORY" "the destroyed factory " //DONNER "POINT_DONNER_AXISHQ" "the Axis headquarters" "POINT_DONNER_ALLIEDHQ" "the Allied headquarters" "POINT_DONNER_MAINSTREET" "the main street" //ESCAPE "ESCAPE_SATCHEL_HINT" "Destroy the Nebelwefers with these satchel charges!" "ESCAPE_TNT_HINT" "Take these charges to the bridge and blow it up!" "ESCAPE_MRTNT_ALLIES" "It looks like Jerry needs another bridge charge! Keep defending!" "ESCAPE_MRTNT_AXIS" "The charge wasn't strong enough! We need one more charge!!" //FLASH "POINT_FLASH_FLASHVILLESTREET" "Flashville street" "POINT_FLASH_TRAIL" "the trail" "POINT_FLASH_ALLIEDBASE" "the Allied base" "POINT_FIELD" "the field" "POINT_FLASH_AXISBASE" "the Axis base" //FLUGPLATZ "FLUG_GAS1" "Enemy near our Rally Point!!!! Gas Released!" "FLUG_GAS1A" "Gas! Gas! Gas! Fall back!!" "the_Me262_on_the_runway" "the Me262 on the runway" "the_eastern_loading_dock" "the eastern loading dock" "the_eastern_taxiway_entrance" "the eastern taxiway entrance" "the_western_loading_dock" "the western loading dock" "the_western_taxiway_entrance" "the western taxiway entrance" "the_Me262_in_the_hanger" "the Me262 in the hanger" //FOREST "POINT_FOREST_AXISFOREST" "the Axis central forest trench" "POINT_FOREST_ALLIEDFOREST" "the Allies central forest trench" "POINT_FOREST_ALLIEDHILL" "the Allies hill trench" "POINT_FOREST_AXISBRIDGE" "the Axis bridge trench" "POINT_THEBUNKER" "the bunker" //GLIDER "glider_wallpatchtext" "The upper castle wall has been breached!" "glider_allies_blow_wall" "Blow the castle walls with your Bazookas...look for the wood support beams." "glider_wallpatchtext2" "The Allies have breached the lower castle wall!" "glider_bunkerblow_txt" "The bunker has been breached!" "glider_wallpatchtext5" "Warning! Entering Axis Spawn Sector!" "glider_tanker_sequence" "A Sherman tank has been spotted in the Farmyard!" "glider_tanker_sequence2" "The Sherman tank commander reports German activity near his location!" "glider_bridgesmall" "The foot bridge leading to castle has been blown!" "glider_allied_warning_zone" "Warning! Entering Allied Spawn Sector!" "glider_tank_blow_text" "The Sherman tank has been destroyed!" "glider_bunkeratry" "A mortar round is on the way to the bunker area!" "glider_cannon_flag_relay" "Allies have destroyed the 88!" "glider_mortar2Boff" "The Allied mortar has been destroyed!" "glider_glider_bust_crates" "Look for more satchel charges in the supply house!" "glider_wallpatchtext3" "Allies have breached the sewer wall" "glider_snipers" "Allied soldiers have been spotted in the castle!" "glider_glider_shooters" "Shooting the base does nothing...shoot the upper panels with the bazooka!" "POINT_GLIDER_SUPPLYROOM" "the supply room" "POINT_GLIDER_RADAR" "the radar" "POINT_GLIDER_AXISRADIOROOM" "the Axis radio room" "POINT_GLIDER_SUPPLYROOM" "the supply room" "POINT_GLIDER_BUNKERHILLCANNON2" "the bunker hill cannon" "glider_allied_brief" "Use the satchel charges and the bazookas to destroy the entire Axis anti-aircraft effort in this sector. Targets include an 88mm Flak Cannon, a radio tower, and a radar. Also sieze the supply shack and the bunker." "glider_axis_brief" "Allied paratroopers will try to destroy our anti-aircraft battery. Defend the radar, the 88mm Flak cannon, and the radio room." //JAGD "The_town_square" "the town square" "Downed_glider" "downed glider" "Bombed_out_house" "bombed out house" "the_Boulangerie" "the Boulangerie" "POINT_JAGD_BRITISHTANK2" "the British tank #2" "POINT_JAGD_BRITISHTANK1" "the British tank #1" "POINT_JAGD_DOCCAP" "the documents" "jagd_camp" "The battle is not this way lad!" "jagd_camp_axis" "The battle is not this way soldat!" "jagd_tank1_offmsg" "A British tank has blown up!" "jagd_tank2_offmsg" "A British tank has blown up!" "jagd_allied_protect_hint" "Protect this tank at all costs! Tank hunters have been sighted in this area!" "jagd_bazookamsg" "Use your Panzerschrek to destroy the two British tanks. Your map should show you where they are located in the city." "jagd_allied_cap_area" "Return the secret documents to this location. They are located near the crashed glider." "jagd_allied_documents_msg" "Allied Secret Plans! Do not allow allies to recover these documents!" "jagd_alliedbriefing" "A Horsa glider carrying staff officers and plans for the attack on Caen has crashed in enemy territory during a heavy thunderstorm. Allies must find the crash site and recover the plans, while protecting their two remaining Cromwell tanks from Axis Panzerschrek attacks." "jagd_axisbriefing" "Axis must prevent the Allies from reaching the glider crash site to recover their documents. Also seek out and destroy remaining British tanks with your Panzerschreks. Without tank support, the allies will be unable to hold this area." "jagd_foundglider_hint" "You've found the crashed glider! Find the plans as quicky as you can, and return them to the command center!" //KRAFTSTOFF "POINT_KRAFTSTOFF_AMERICANFUELDUMP" "the American fuel dump" "POINT_KRAFTSTOFF_AMERICANFUELTRUCK" "the American fuel truck" "Axis_spawn" "axis spawn" "Allied_Fuel_Dump" "allied Fuel Dump" "Allied_Fuel_Truck" "allied Fuel Truck" "Western_Tunnel" "western Tunnel" "Church___East_Side" "church - East Side" "Church___West_Side" "church - West Side" "Church___North_Side" "church - North Side" "Church___South_Side" "church - South Side" "Southen_Crater" "southern crater" "Nothern_crater" "nothern crater" "Nothern_crater_upstairs_lounge" "northern crater upstairs lounge" "Nothern_crater_MG_position" "northern crater MG position" "Northern_crater_bedroom" "northern crater bedroom" "Western_alley" "western alley" "Westen_chruch_MG_position" "western church MG position" "Main_street" "main street" "Treelined_Alley" "treelined Alley" "The_well" "the well" "Central_courtyard" "central courtyard" //MERDERET "The_bridge" "the bridge" "The_bombed_out_house" "the bombed out house" "The_axis_streets" "the axis streets" "The_field" "the field" "the_stronghold" "the stronghold" "The_church_square" "the church square" "POINT_MERDERET_STRONGHOLD" "the stronghold" "POINT_MERDERET_CHURCHSQUARE" "the church square" //SWITCH "Axis_spawn" "Axis spawn" "Axis_Base" "Axis Base" "lower_Axis_street" "lower Axis street" "middle_Axis_street" "middle Axis street" "upper_Axis_steet" "upper Axis steet" "Axis_plaza" "Axis plaza" "Axis_side_route" "Axis side route" "church_plaza" "church plaza" "Axis_church_plaza" "Axis church plaza" "Allies_church_plaza" "Allies church plaza" "church" "church" "upper_Allies_street" "upper Allies street" "Allies_plaza" "Allies plaza" "middle_Allies_street" "middle Allies street" "Allies_base" "Allies base" "lower_Allies_street" "lower Allies street" "Allies_spawn" "Allies spawn" "Allies_side_route" "Allies side route" //VICENZA "vic_allies_obj_text" "Destroy the King Tiger." "vic_axis_obj_text" "Destroy both Allied jeeps." "vic_tnt_msg" "Use satchel charges to destroy obstacles and the two Allied jeeps." "vic_satchel_msg" "Use satchel charges to destroy obstacles and the Axis King Tiger." "vic_axis_spawn_warning" "WARNING: Do not enter enemy spawn!" "vic_allies_spawn_warning" "WARNING: Do not enter enemy spawn!" "vic_axis_defense_text" "Allies are in striking range of the King Tiger!" "vic_allies_defense_text" "Axis are in striking range of the jeeps!" "vic_jeep1_text" "Axis have destroyed the west jeep!" "vic_jeep2_text" "Axis have destroyed the south jeep!" "vic_allies_block_text" "The barricade at Allied base has been destroyed." "vic_axis_block_text" "A blocking wall at Axis ruin has been destroyed." "vic_axis_wall_text" "A wall has been destroyed near Axis base." "vic_axis_sniper_wall_text" "Access to sniper ledge has been opened." "vic_allies_sniper_wall_text" "Access to sniper ledge has been opened." "vic_axis_door_text" "Balcony door above the King Tiger has been destroyed." "vic_defend_barrier_text" "This barricade protects our jeeps. Defend this area." "vic_defend_jeep_text" "Prevent the Axis from destroying this jeep." "vic_defend_tank_text" "Prevent the Allies from destroying this tank." "POINT_VICENZA_SOUTHJEEP" "the south jeep" "POINT_VICENZA_KINGTIGER" "the king tiger" "POINT_VICENZA_WESTJEEP" "the west jeep" "the_rock" "the rock" "halftrack" "the halftrack" "footbridge" "the footbridge" "waterfall" "the waterfall" "the_crater" "the crater" "northeast_part_of_town" "the northeast part of town" "Axis_primary_passage" "the Axis primary passage" "Axis_small_sniper_loft" "the Axis small sniper loft" "Axis_sniper_hallway" "the Axis sniper hallway" "Axis_storage_building" "the Axis storage building" "Axis_river" "the Axis river" "Axis_north_spawn" "the Axis north spawn" "Axis_seconday_passage" "the Axis secondary passage" "Allies_storage_building" "the Allies storage building" "Allies_river" "the Allies river" "Allies_secondary_passage" "the Allies secondary passage" "Allies_south_jeep_area" "the Allies south jeep" "Allies_spawn" "the Allies spawn" //ZALEC "ZALEC_AXISBRIEFING1" "Allied forces have entered the city of Zalec and are making their way to the fountain area! Protect the fountain and church area at all costs!" "ZALEC_ALLIEDBRIEFING1" "Advance through the city of Zalec and capture the fountain area near the church!" "ZALEC_AXISBRIEFING2" "We have lost the fountain area! Fall back and protect our tanks from the Allies!" "ZALEC_ALLIEDBRIEFING2" "Good job men! We now hold the fountain area. Reports indicate a group of 3 tanks nearby. Advance into the city and use bazookas to destroy the tanks!" "ZALEC_AIRSTRIKE" "Radio beacon activate! Airstrike on this location imminent!" "MAP_SPAWN_WARNING" "You have crossed enemy lines! Watch out for enemy machine guns!" "ZALEC_ZOOKAHINT" "Use the bazooka to destroy the enemy tanks" "ZALEC_DESTTANK" "A tank has been destroyed!" "POINT_ZALEC_AXISTANK1" "the Axis tank 1" "POINT_ZALEC_AXISTANK2" "the Axis tank 2" "POINT_ZALEC_AXISTANK3" "the Axis tank 3" "POINT_ZALEC_FOUNTAIN" "the fountain" "Allied_Drop_Point" "allied drop point" "Cory's_Shot_Down_Plane" "cory's shot down plane" "Clock_Fountain" "clock fountain" "Clock_Tower" "clock tower" "Joesmoe's_Bookstore" "joesmoe's bookstore" "Clock_Street" "clock street" "Bombed_Zalec_Hotel" "bombed zalec hotel" "Zalec_Hotel" "zalec hotel" "Krefting's_Brothel" "krefting's brothel" "Kiscaden_Manor" "kiscaden manor" "Back_Alley" "back alley" "Fasulo_Apartments" "fasulo apartments" "Cozy_Inn" "cozy inn" "Parlor_Room" "parlor room" "Neumann's_Parlor" "neumann's parlor" "Yankovic_Street" "yankovic street" "Stockhouse" "stockhouse" "Nellor_Residence" "nellor residence" "Fasulo_Loft" "fasulo loft" "falaise_axisbrief" "You must hold the enemy off while the remainder of our forces escape to the west. Capture all the objectives! Your patrol scouts report the enemy is just around the corner!" "falaise_alliedbrief" "This is our chance to crush the Germans in Normandy and squeeze off their ability to escape. Capture all objectives! Your patrol scouts report the enemy is nearby!" "DoD_Close" "Close" "DoD_ChooseTeam" "Choose Team" "DoD_Help" "Help" "DoD_ChatMessages" "Chat Messages" "DoD_AutoDirector" "Auto Director" "DoD_ShowScores" "Show Scores" } }